Sunday, September 10, 2017

League Challenge Report

I went to a League Challenge today and ran a similar list to the one I have been testing the last week or so.

Pokemon -15Trainers - 33Energy - 12
4 - Fomantis SUM4 -Professor Sycamore12 - Grass
2 - Lurantis GX3 - N-
2- Lurantis SM253 - Guzma-
1 - Brigette -
3 - Tapu Bulu GX 1 - Skyla-
1 - Olympia-
1 - Mew FCO-
- 4 - Ultra Ball -
2 - Tapu Lele GX3 - Max Elixir-
-2 - Field Blower -
1 - Oranguru SUM 1 - Super Rod-
-1 - Professor's Letter-
-4 - Choice Band -
-2 - Float Stone-
-3 - Aether Paradise Conservation Area-

I prefer this version to Vikavolt/Bulu for two reasons:

1) Better KO math. Not needing to discard on Nature's Judgement to 1HKO Lele/anything with 170 HP or less is very easy to achieve with this deck. Extending to 1HKO a 250 HP behemoth? Not super easy, but definitely within the realm of possibility. I feel like these things give Lurantis/Bulu a better tempo.

2) After turning over every Wal-Mart and Target in northeastern Oklahoma to find Lurantis SM25, there is no way I wasn't going to run something featuring it.

Just in general, I feel like this is a strong deck. If a stage 2 deck gets a fast start it has trouble catching up, but I don't feel like it has "bad" matchups. Every game I have lost with it irl or on PTCGO I have felt is due to my own misplays, not some inherent weakness in the deck.

I expected the field to be composed of Gardevoir GX and hard counters to Gardevoir GX.

There were 17 masters in the tournament. This is how my day went:

R1: Solgaleo GX / Rayquaza L ( 0-1-0 )
R2: Tapu Koko/Weavile BUS/Porygon-Z BUS W ( 1-1-0 )
R3: Noivern GX / Rayquaza W ( 2-1-0 )
R4: Metagross GX/Solgaleo GX W ( 3-1-0 )

So a 3-1 record and tied for third (fifth after resistance blah blah blah)

In the first round I was trying to set things up for Bulu to do work with double Sunny Day. This is the wrong approach. I need to test some more, but after losing here (whiffed a piece of that combo to miss a KO, fell behind on prize trade, exchanged a couple knockouts and lost a couple turns later) I thought through my options, and I think the best approach to 250 HP stage 2 decks is to just go all in on a Lurantis GX. Bench all the Fomantis that pass through your hand, even if that means discarding a Bulu or two, and just steer the deck toward hitting your opponent's stage 2 monster first. Obviously, Lurantis GX can't deliver more than 1 250 HP hit, but hopefully you can finish the game on a couple of Leles. It is just a lot easier to get 4 energy on one Lurantis GX + Sunny Day + Choice Band, or even just 5 energy on Lurantis GX, than it is to get double Sunny Day and a Choice Band on Bulu. My round 4 opponent choked on his setup, but this approach forced that issue.

Round 2 and Round 3 were pretty uneventful, just streaming Solar Blade (and I guess a Chloroscythe GX for 200 to take down a Noivern GX). Both concepts had promise, Lurantis / Bulu can just apply a lot of pressure early in the game. I mean, with a little bit of Elixir luck, it is not uncommon or out of the question to be swinging for 170-230 with Solar Blade/Nature's Judgment on turn 2.

Favorite Card of the Tournament Lurantis GX. The more I play this deck the more opportunities I find to just jack someone with Chloroscythe GX. I usually try to highlight a techier card here, but all of my victories were basically just plowing my opponent with Lurantis GX.

Least Favorite Card of the Tournament My current build of this deck has A LOT of slop in the trainers. There is a league cup in two weeks, and I feel like this deck would benefit from just wiping the slate clean and examining what I am really trying to ACHIEVE with my trainers. Outside of Sycamore, N, Guzma, Brigette, Ultra Ball and Choice Band... I am not really sure how much of the other stuff is at an optimal count, and in some instances, how much of it even has a place in the deck.

The Mew tech didn't do much today. I benched it once so I could promote a free retreater off of Guzma, which is part of the reason for its inclusion... But again, I am questioning its place here as a tech attacker / seventh prize in matchups vs Espeon or Necrozma (or I guess Garbodor?), since the only attacks it can make good use of are three energy attacks, and committing that much effort to power up a tech just seems... stupid? Tapu Koko SM30/31 seems like a better choice, since it grants a 2 energy attack that lowers the damage ceiling Bulu/Lurantis GX need to hit and benefits from Aether Paradise Conservation Area.

Olympia felt better than Acerola, but I never played it.

At least half of the people at this tournament were running some brand of Metagross and/or Solgaleo. The Gardevoir GX hate is real in Tulsa OK. That being said, Lurantis/Bulu matches up well against Gardevoir and is probably around 40/60 with stage 2 metal stuff. I have trouble imagining things that would REALLY jam this deck up in the current format. Really, the worst thing I can imagine is Bulu stuff getting popular enough that the mirror would need consideration, because the theorymon for that makes it seem very dumb.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Testing Standard: Lurantis / Tapu Bulu pt. 2

In an effort to increase his content output, Johnny is going to begin posting test logs. These will be short entries with high level thoughts and observations that will hopefully increase thinkspiration in the Pokemon TCG space.

Male pronouns will be used throughout these articles because Johnny has fallen victim to cis male white hetero normative corporate oppression. Or he is just trying to spin these blogs off in less than 30 minutes and making universally agreeable+grammatically correct pronouns is exhausting.

All obvious considerations about small sample size should be observed. 

 Played: Lurantis / Tapu Bulu

I made a few changes to the deck I was running the other day, but it is basically the same.

I bumped Max Elixir down to 3 because I am a big dumby and thought I owned 4. I only own 3 and the fourth one I ordered last weekend did not arrive in time for the tournament on 9/10 :'(

Can probably borrow one at league, but I kind of hate doing that. Actually kind of liked having the Professor's Letter. The extra Choice Band was also nice, as I didn't have any of the annoying "wouldn't it be nice if I hadn't prized/discarded on first turn Sycamore any Choice Band" games.  


4 - Fomantis
2 - Lurantis SM25
2 - Lurantis GX

3 - Tapu Bulu GX

2 - Tapu Lele GX

1 - Oranguru SUM

1 - Mew FCO


4 - Professor Sycamore
3 - N
3 - Guzma
1 - Brigette
1 - Acerola
1 - Skyla

4 - Ultra Ball
3 - Max Elixir
2 - Field Blower
1 - Super Rod
1 - Professor's Letter

4 - Choice Band
2 - Float Stone

3 -  Aether Paradise Conservation Area


12 - Grass

Game 1 vs Gardevoir GX: I went first, started Bulu, ultra balled for Brigette, grabbed 2x Fomantis and Oranguru. Couldn't tell if the guy had a bad start, or was trying to keep a light bench. He started Lele and put on some early pressure, beating up bulu (who I should have attached float stone to and retreated turn 1 instead of attaching energy and leaving active). I hit a couple of elixirs onto Fomantis, took down a Gardevoir GX with Chloroscythe+4 energy+choice band, then just cruised. I don't know if I would call this a "skill" element to the deck, but there is definitely value in NOT evolving into Lurantis GX unless you plan on using a Lurantis GX attack that turn, keeping Fomantis gives you another elixir target which opens up some nice plays, and with Aether conservatory blah blah blah it effectively has 90 HP which keeps it out of "free prize" territory. 1-0

Game 2 vs Metagross GX: I really hate playing against this deck. It is just so dumb. I went first, started two fomantis. I prized one of the Lurantis SM25, so I knew this had the opportunity to get weird, but I had Guzma in my opening hand and knocked out a Beldum on my second turn with Solar Blade. I had another Guzma in hand, and was planning on dropping off his Metang and laughing as this stupid deck tried to function with only 2 Metagross GX, but he N'd me and I had to take the knockout on the vulpix he left active. Not all bad, because Flower Supply + Sunny Day = dead Vulpix + two energy on Bulu. He got two Metagross GX up the next turn and decided to attach+double Geotech System onto the Lele he promoted and attack Lurantis GX... which was fine, because I had Choice Band on my benched Bulu. Made a painful decision to Sycamore away my last Lele trying to hit one for the active Lurantis GX, but I whiffed. I could have KO'd the Lele with Chloroscythe, but I really wanted to save my GX attack for the upcoming treadmill of asinine bullshit between Bulu and Metagross. So I paid to retreat into Bulu, took the KO with Nature's Judgement+Choice Band+Sunny Day. He got his third Metagross GX, and decided to Guzma the damaged Lurantis GX on my bench, which was fine with me as I didn't see any more optimal plays for a Lurantis GX with 1 energy and 120 damage. So I promoted Bulu and began the idiotic cycle Metagross wants. He Lele'd for Sycamore on his next turn... which may have been necessary, but I only had two prizes left, and while he didn't know Lurantis SM25 #2 was one of them, without it killing a Lele was my easiest path to victory (barring terrible draws and/or misplays on his part). Like 7 turns later or something, I empty my hand with Ultra Balls and hit Skyla off of Instruct, then Skyla for Guzma, as he has played 3 N and I assume he doesn't have anymore. On his turn, he played Guzma to pull Oranguru active and promotes his Lele... which was actually kind of clever, but I had Float stone in hand, natch. 2-0

Game 3 vs Greninja Break: ok, the other day I thought it was impossible to lose this matchup in the absence of highly unlikely events. WELL. This Greninja player used Lele, which previous matchups did not. That, plus hitting Bubble a couple of times, retreating the break into Froakie to use bubble instead of attack with Shadow Stitching several times with puprose being to protect Greninja Break, good placement of Giant Water Shuriken, locking me up with Shadow Stitching... yeah. Actually having to play this matchup on a level where thinking was required made me realize a few things, mainly that you can't be careless with benching 2 prize pokemon. I knew this, in theory, but playing having played things that hit everying in Greninja for weakness for the past year (Vespiquen, Lurantis variants), I guess I forgot? It is probably worthwhile in this matchup to try and Utilize Lurants SM25 as an attacker. Just challenging to think through things like "will I be ok if I discard my last Bulu on Sycamore? he will be Giant Water Shuriken bait for a couple of terms, but Super Rod is in the discard too so I may be stuck without an attacker :[". 2-1

Thoughts on my list The extra Guzma was nice. Metagross guy was the only one who really took a shot at locking me up. Guzma as a card... I am not sure how I feel about it. Obviously it is something you have to include in basically every competitive deck; gust effects are just too valuable. All of the conditionals on Guzma are kind of a pain in the ass though. Like, I want to switch with it, but can't because my opponent's bench is empty. I want to gust with it, but can't because my bench is empty. The value it puts on both planning ahead, and just planning to have cheap/free retreaters doesn't really feel like strategy... it just feels annoying. Important thing for me is to be mindful of where my float stones are.

I feel like this deck kind of begs for a couple of Energy Switch, but I just can't figure out where the space would come from.

The more I think about Acerola in this deck, the less I like it. A lot of the time that I have access to it and an opportunity to use it the result will be a Tapu Bulu and three grass energy in my hand... Which is ok for prize denial, but kind of useless if I don't have a Lurantis GX or second Bulu setup and ready to do real damage. I might replace it with Pokemon Center Lady, or just swap with Olympia.

Overall I feel like there are a few other ideas to try here, but I don't think I am going to implement any of them for the League Challenge tomorrow. I am curious just to see what other people are running.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Testing Standard: Lurantis / Tapu Bulu

In an effort to increase his content output, Johnny is going to begin posting test logs. These will be short entries with high level thoughts and observations that will hopefully increase thinkspiration in the Pokemon TCG space.

Male pronouns will be used throughout these articles because Johnny has fallen victim to cis male white hetero normative corporate oppression. Or he is just trying to spin these blogs off in less than 30 minutes and making universally agreeable+grammatically correct pronouns is exhausting.

All obvious considerations about small sample size should be observed. 

 Played: Lurantis / Tapu Bulu

Quick aside: for the past three months, any time I drove by a walmart or target I would stop to see if they had promo Lurantis. I am not proud to say I have checked for promo Lurantis in 4 states, but omg that thing was hard to find. Just buy the single, I know... but then how do I get it online? trade 8 GRI boosters for it??? That is asinine.

Now that I have it, I plan on playing that dude's peppermint pants off.


4 - Fomantis
2 - Lurantis SM25
2 - Lurantis GX

3 - Tapu Bulu GX

2 - Tapu Lele GX

1 - Oranguru SUM

1 - Mew FCO


4 - Professor Sycamore
3 - N
2 - Guzma
1 - Brigette / Pokemon Fan Club
1 - Acerola
1 - Olympia
1 - Skyla

4 - Ultra Ball
4 - Max Elixir
2 - Field Blower
1 - Super Rod

3 - Choice Band
3 - Float Stone

3 -  Aether Paradise Conservation Area


12 - Grass

Game 1 vs Gardevoir GX. Started Fomantis with one Bulu on the bench, went second. Was attacking with Bulu on my second turn. I didn't draw spectacular, Bulu+promo Lurantis just has a math advantage over Gardevoir GX. 1 - 0

Game 2 vs Greninja Break. Started Bulu, ultra balled for Lele and grabbed Fan Club. This was a situation where I prefer Fan Club over Brigette, because I did not have a draw supporter in hand, so I could grab a Lele for my next turn. Not sure if this is actually a good practice, I mean... early game, just playing your hand out and hitting Instruct may be enough to hit a draw/search supporter.Anyway, my opponent N'd me, and none of this really mattered because I was taking knockouts with Horn Attack. He conceded after his second turn.  2 - 0

Game 3 vs Turbo Dark. Two Mulligans on my side, but went first. I chose to Lele for N instead of Fan Club so that my opponent would not start with 8 cards in hand. This was kind of dumb because all I had in my opening hand was a fomantis and a lele. A couple of other misplays that had to do with forgetting my prizes (two choice band were prized) caused me to miss a knockout and fall too far behind. I think this matchup is definitely winnable, I just made a lot more mistakes than my opponent. 2 - 1

Game 4 vs Lycanroc GX / Salazzle GX. Went first and setup with Brigette. Drew well throughout, and Oranguru was clutch. Discarding on Nature's Judgement early in the game is not ideal with this build. I also discarded my super rod off a Sycamore on my second turn and that almost came back to bite me, as I had been thinning my hand with ultra balls to get max draw on Instruct and try to hit energy/elixir, and in the process dumped my third and fourth fomantis... and then the Bulu I was planning on riding for the rest of the game got rocked by Dangerous Rogue GX. Oops. I drew well enough to build another Bulu and win, but definitely should have been more mindful of the game state. September is for learning what cards do! 3 - 1

Game 5 vs Greninja. Went second and just started abusing him with Bulu. Trying to imagine a start bad enough to actually tank this matchup... is very hard. (start one lele, prize the other, opening hand of 4 elixir, super rod and Acerola, then whiff energy and draw support for several turns???) 4 - 1

Game 6 vs Metagross GX. I was able to get a solid setup, just never drew into choice band despite all three being in deck. That forced me to either whiff KOs or overextend (ie discard on Nature's Judgement to knock out Necrozma GX when I had both promo Lurantis out) to take them. I realized too late in the game that Necrozma is actually a great target for Mew FCO. Metagross is difficult to handle if you can't shut off abilities or N away Algorithm GX... but I think with some better draw, and better utilization of tech, I could have won this. 4 - 2

Thoughts on my list: I played a very similar build at league last weekend and rolled seniors all afternoon. When this deck comes out in the right order and you draw decent (which happens about 60% of the time?), it is a bear to deal with. The clean math of Nature's Judgement + Sunny Day + Choice Band is very strong against decks I am discovering to be popular in new Standard. An underrated part of this is how well Sunny Day + Flower Supply flows into Tapu Bulu.

Is it better than Vikavolt / Tapu Bulu? That is really hard to say. I have not played Vikavolt / Tapu Bulu yet (plan on doing that tomorrow), but at face value I see them trading a lot of things off with each other. The Lurantis build offers perfect math and OHKO on anything in the format. The Vikavolt build allows you to power up most attackers in one turn.

The supporter line in this list needs some work. I would definitely yank Olympia for another Guzma, and possible replace Acerola with a Max Potion, Pokemon Center Lady, another N... or maybe Sophocles? Acerola is great for clearing a spot on a cramped bench, but when your best access to her is through Tapu Lele, it is kind of self defeating. Skyla is rarely an optimal play, but the deck really struggles if you can't access choice band when you need it.

On that note, I had initially considered trying out fighting fury belts, but after playing with this deck over the past week or so, it is clear that the strength of this deck is hitting perfect numbers, and choice band plays a huge roll in that.

Float Stone could drop to 2.

I hate playing Aether Paradise Conservation Area because that name is way too long to type, much less say, but I think it is handy against Gardevoir and anyone relying on Choice band to hit 180. That being said, 3 stadiums might be excessive given the 2 field blower.

I have played this with Tapu Koko SM30 in Mews slot. My only requirements for this slot is that I want a something that has free retreat, and some type of useful attack. Tapu Koko has some nice bulk to it with Aether Paradise Conservation Area out, but after I saw how easy it is to get SM25 Lurantis out, and how infrequently people mess with it due to how quickly your attackers put pressure on, Flying Flip became a lot less appealing. There are a few players who are in love with Espeon at my league, which opens some decent opportunities for Mew. I am probably putting too much thought into this, but in small tournaments I like to decrease my mulligan odds as much as reasonably possible, so while 10 basics has you mulligan 23% of the time, 11 bumps that down to 19%... and I have convinced myself that is worth something?

Another choice would be to just add another Lele, but I have not found a useful attacking roll for Lele in this deck, so starting Lele without a way to get it off the field is kind of frustrating.

I feel like 12 energy is perfect. As are the Fomantis/Lurantis, Tapu Bulu and Oranguru counts. If you are playing a deck that aims at turn 1 Brigette, you HAVE to include Oranguru. I am going to start counting how many cards I pull with Instruct in each game, but will not be surprised if the average is like 8-10.

Overall The list needs some light massaging to smooth out opening hands. If it starts well, this deck builds momentum quickly and is difficult to slow down. I am curious to experiment with Vikavolt / Bulu to compare.