Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bored At Work Deck #1

I get bored at work a lot. To pass the time and stay awake, I imagine ptcg decks featuring cards that are generally considered unplayable. How is this different from the decks in the feature articles on this blog? The bored at work decks have never been tested!

BAWD #1 - Crystal Light

Pokemon - 18

3 - White Kyurem EX PLS
1 - Kyurem LTR
4 - Litwick
2 - Lampent
3 - Chandelure PLF
2 - Solosis
0 - Duosion
2 - Reuniclus
1 - Cresselia EX

Supporters - 12

4 - N
4 - Skyla
3 - Juniper
1 - Colress

Items - 17

4 - Rare Candy
3 - Ultra Ball
2 - Super Rod
2 - Muscle Band
1 - Max Potion
1 - Level Ball
1 - Energy Search

1 - Crystal Edge

2 - Frozen City

Energy - 13

10 - Fire
3 - Water

The star of this deck is White Kyurem EX PLS. In case you find yourself wondering why you have never heard those words that close together before, consider the following!

1) while expensive, at RRWC, white inferno is no more difficult to set up than Black Kyurem EX Black Ballista, which is one of the defining attacks of the format.

2) unlike black ballista, you do not have to discard energy after using white inferno.

3) in a format dominated by attackers with 1HKO potential, White Kyurem EX PLS strongest attack is dependent on damage being on White Kyurem at the time of attack.

Ok, now forget that. Or at least the last part, because it is time to talk about why this deck will change the perception of every White Kyurem Special to ever grace the last table at regionals.

The goal of this deck is to attack with White Kyurem's White Inferno attack for 1HKOs. The damage output of the attack can be manipulated by Reuniclus damage swap ability.

The big decision in this deck is how you want to get damage onto your field. This is obviously a slippery slope, as too much damage makes you vulnerable to your opponent whereas too little prevents you from delivering 1HKOs.

White Inferno requires 4 energy and outputs 100 plus 10 for each damage counter on White Kyurem EX. So at most, we need 8 damage counters on White Kyurem EX. A muscle band drops that to 6, and Crystal Edge drops it to 3.

Let's ignore the most likely source of damage on your active (a turn two emerald slash, raiden knuckle, night spear, etc) and focus solely on mechanics we can control.

The most obvious, and probably most consistent path to this is Emboar + Frozen City.
...But what if we didn't need a full 180 to KO the opponent? What if Frozen City was knocked out of play? What if we are tired of seeing four Chandure PLF sit unused in a binder???

Chandelure's ability, Flare Navigate, allows you to search your deck for a fire energy, attach it to a pokemon, and then put one damage counter on that pokemon. So in a lot of ways, it is like Dynamotor, but in reverse... And on a stage 2 pokemon.

What I am saying is: Chandelure PLF + White Kyurem EX PLS is basically NXD-XY legal Ray/Eels omgwtfbbqchz

So we shoot for turn 2 Chandelure while manually attaching to White Kyurem. Ideally at some point we would have 2 or 3 Chandelure and a super rod in hand, allowing us to strike fear into the most stout of opponents by unleashing a stream of White Kyurem EX capable of devastating the field with an endless White Inferno!!!!! Just to keep things from getting too out of hand, we have Cresselia EX and a max potion.

Note: As a matter of fun, we do not analyze how BAWDs fit into the meta. Most of them will falter against any competitive deck piloted by a competent player. Or any player with Garbodor and a tool. The primary goal of a BAWD is to keep me from falling asleep at work. The secondary is to give you an opportunity to sleeve up some never used cards, and have an entertaining deck to run a few times against juniors at league. Here at Fliptini Chill, we are proponents of competitive pokemon, but also of jokes. White Kyurem Power!!!!!

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